ZusenZomer and Corona. No worries!

Dear customer,

First of all, we would like to express our admiration for everyone who takes care of each other. We hope everyone keeps their heads cool and their hearts warm in this crisis. It is a time of 'we' instead of 'I'. We hope to continue to serve you at the same time. You can continue to order and our warehouse and DHL will ensure that your order is delivered quickly and neatly at home. We continuously observe all precautions. This means that the guidelines of the government and the RIVM are strictly observed.  In this way we ensure as little human contact as possible and keep a distance when delivering.

Perhaps a nice gift tip now that we can't go to birthday visitors: We send the orders in our festive shipping bags as standard!

We hope to be of service to you as much as possible.

Best regards, Petra and Martine