Everything about Returns

Have you received an order and you want to return it for whatever reason, that's no problem at all. We don't make things difficult. We offer FREE returns within 14 days after receiving your order.

Check immediately whether you have received everything in good order and everything is as expected.

Are you not satisfied with the delivery or the quality? We do everything we can to make you happy again. Mail us at info@zusenzomer.nl.

We offer a simple, free and printerless return process:

1. To do this, visit the link (paste the link into your browser):


Enter your order number and email address here. You will immediately see the return label on the screen and in your email. Use your mobile phone to show this to the service point to return your package. In most cases no printer is needed!

2. Items must be returned in their original condition and undamaged. To be sure to include the old packing slip. Make sure the package is well packed.

3. You can drop the package off at a DHL Parcelshop or other service point free of charge. There is always one nearby. The nearest service points are listed when you register. Keep your proof of delivery.

4. Upon receipt of the return we will refund the total amount of the returned items (including shipping costs if the entire order is returned) to your account within the statutory 14 days. You will receive a confirmation, as soon as we have refunded it to your account.

Pack the return items in the same shipping bag/box (if still usable) or in a different outer box to prevent damage during transport.

Please keep your proof of shipment in connection with the possible loss of the package.

Excluded from returns are:

   Items that are damaged or used.

   Articles purchased other than via ZusenZomer.

ZusenZomer reserves the right to refuse returns or to credit only part of the invoice amount if the product has already been used or damaged.

Unfortunately, this is only possible by returning the item to be exchanged. The above procedure applies. You can then order the new item in the shop. As soon as ZusenZomer has received the item to be exchanged, we will refund the purchase price of the item concerned.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the return or exchange of our products, please send us an email to info@zusenzomer.nl.